Acquisitions king
C. Dean Metropoulos
a Grand Marshal of NYC
GreekIndependence Day Parade
C. Dean Metropoulos is among the Grand Marshals of this year’s Greek Independence Day Parade in New York City and a classic rags-to-riches story of an immigrant son who made good.
“I’m in the acquisition business,” says C. Dean Metropoulos simply. “And I love it. I love finding opportunities, negotiating the deals, repositioning the businesses, many of which are troubled, though many are not. Even with healthy companies, you can still find wonderful ways to make them grow organically or via strategic add-on acquisitions. There are many opportunities out there that need energy, focused hands-on management and financial expertise.”
And in 25 years of deal-making (the majority in consumer product companies: “I like basic industries that I can understand and I can contribute to”), Metropoulos has earned a sterling reputation in the private equity investment world. He’s made over 68 “acquisitions” over those years involving $12 billion of invested capital. The Morningstar Group was acquired for $1 billion in 1996, International Home Foods for close to $3 billion in 2000 and taken public and Hillsdown Holdings for $4 billion that same year. In 2004, his Greenwich, Connecticut-based CDM Group acquired Pinnacle Foods, which owns a bundle of venerable brands such as Aunt Jemima, Duncan Hines, Log Cabin, Swanson frozen dinners, Armour canned meats, Lender’s bagels, Celeste Pizza, Mrs. Paul’s seafood and Van De Kamp’s, among others. Pinnacle was sold to Blackstone in 2007. (view entire article)
Manhasset, New York:
The ritziest "island neighborhood" in the United States
Manhasset is a native American term that translates into "island neighborhood" and that's exactly what this community has always seemed to Greeks since the early decades of this century when Jim Poll's uncle owned his deli there and the young Poll had his eye on living there himself someday. He eventually realized his dream, and so have other Greeks who once visited there and got hooked (a common theme in the Manhasset Greek community). Now Manhasset has its own church, AHEPA Gold Coast chapter and a community that is among the most affluent not only in New York, but in the United States, and the very model of a gilded "island neighborhood). In the following pages, we profile a cross-section of its prominent citizens: (view entire article)
President Bush honors March 25 in White House ceremony
In a straightforward manner rarely used by diplomats and politicians nowadays, Archbishop Demetrios of America, taking advantage of his warm rapport with President George W. Bush (the president has said the Archbishop “soothes my soul”) used the annual celebration of Greek Independence Day this past March 25 at the White House to deliver some unequivocal messages to the seat of power on behalf of American and global Hellenism.
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AHEPANS hold their Biennial DC weekend
In anticipation of this year’s National Convention in Athens, Greece, the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), the leading association for the nation’s 1.4 million American citizens of Greek ancestry, and Philhellenes, welcomed a capacity crowd at its 38th Biennial Salute Banquet, on March 7, honoring those in public service. The 2008 Aristotle Award went to Chairman and CEO of Red Apple Group John Catsimatides, and the
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Communications exec Joannie Danielides wins PEOPLE's Matrix Award
Joannie Danielides, President and Founder of Danielides Communications, Inc., will be presented with the New York Women in Communications Matrix Award on April 7, 2008. The ceremony, sponsored by PEOPLE, will take place during a luncheon at the Waldorf Astoria and the award will be presented by WOR Radio Morning Show Co-Host and Former First Lady of New York City, Donna Hanover.
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