Mr. Mouyiaris, welcoming the contributors, spoke of the significance this race holds for the Greek American community and the country in general. “Take the message to every fellow Hellene and try to help Alexi,” he said.
“To elect Alexi in the U.S. Senate is going to be a great achievement, because we will enhance our voice for Cyprus and the rest of the Greek national issues,” Philip Christopher, Chairman of PSEKA, remarked in turn.
Recent polls featured the Greek American candidate who played professional basketball in Greece in his 20s, with a 3-4% lead over his Republican opponent Ron Kirk. Giannoulias, now 33 year old, expressed his gratitude to those present for their support all along and promised them “to write history together” on November 2nd. “At the age of 29, when I was running for State Treasurer, there were people saying that I had no chance. But I have all of you,” he said. Giannoulias also praised his parents for their hard work and commitment to success, seeing in their effort to overcome obstacles the plight of all generations of Greeks who reached the US shores. “We should be proud for what the Greek American immigrants accomplished in order for the next generation to have every opportunity of the world. They have showed us that if we want something very hard we can succeed it, even for the next generation.”
He then promised to intensify his efforts for Cyprus, if elected in the U.S. Senate. “It is fascinating that Turkey has showed her outrage over the events with the flotilla to Gaza. Where is the outrage for occupying Cyprus and for the violation of the human rights and the religious freedoms of the Ecumenical Patriarchate?” he asked.