
Despite the economic crisis and financial uncertainty, an impressive turnout that filled Manhattan’s Ethos Restaurant to capacity, marked the Hellenic American Bankers Association Christmas Cheer 2008, held this past December. Members and friends crowded the place and stayed well over the official event’s time framework, conveying a much needed air of optimism and will to go through this time of hardship.

The Hellenic American Bankers Association, Inc. (H.A.B.A.) is one of the premier Greek-American organizations in the New York metropolitan area. HABA is a not-for-profit organization established in 1982 to promote the professional and educational interest of Greek-Americans in the banking and finance industries. Its current active membership consists of over 200 professionals representing more than 50 institutions across the financial spectrum.

Since its inception, HABA has strived to serve the professional and educational interests of Greek-American financial professionals through the sponsoring of lectures, seminars, cocktail receptions with guest speakers and other events. Over the past years, HABA has had many distinguished speakers and lecturers.

Monday, January 12th, 2009, from 6:00pm to 8:30pm, at The Atrium Cafe, Olympic Tower (645 Fifth Ave., Manhattan - enter from 51st or 52nd Street., between 5th & Madison) HABA will honor another tradition, the Vasilopitta cutting. Friends of HABA are always welcome to attend. The non-member admission is $45, which includes an open bar, hors d'oeuvres, and Vasilopita. Membership renewals may be paid at the event, or may be paid online with free member registration.
More info on HABA and its events can be obtained online www.haba.org
