SAE USA Youth Network:
Opening its wings across the country
Last October, SAE USA’s Regional Coordinator Theodore Spyropoulos hosted the founding convention for the SAE USA Youth Network. In merely 6 months from the Network’s inauguration, SAE USA Youth has made a tremendous start in achieving its goals and initiatives.
By Steven B. Livaditis
Last October, SAE USA’s Regional Coordinator Theodore Spyropoulos hosted the founding convention for the SAE USA Youth Network. In merely 6 months from the Network’s inauguration, SAE USA Youth has made a tremendous start in achieving its goals and initiatives.
The SAE USA Youth Network is an organization operating under the umbrella of SAE USA serving Hellenic American youth through initiatives that include scholarships, career guidance, mentoring, promoting Hellenic culture and history as well as informing on Hellenic national issues. The founding convention included young Hellene American delegates from across the country; New York, Alabama, California, Denver, Washington, and Florida among others. This was a true demonstration of some of the best and brightest young Hellenic Americans coming together for common causes and goals across the country. The energy and talent and professionalism displayed at the convention was amazing and it has carried on. The organizational structure of the SAE USA Youth network is comprised of the elected Coordinating Council, the elected Youth Network Regional Delegates, Committee Chairpersons and Delegates. The Coordinating Council includes Maurice Gritzalis (Coordinator), Alice Shukla (Secretary), Anthony Papadopoulos (Treasurer), Stavroula Kotrotsios (member) and Sophia Koustas (member). SAE USA Youth Network has branched itself into six different committees which assist in directing the various initiatives of the SAE USA Youth Network and the Greek Community. These committees include Communications, Culture, Environmental, Social, Career, and Finance all directed by volunteers. Each committee is responsible to create value adding initiatives encompassing, national issues and history, mentoring programs, job fairs, upcoming social events including a trip to Greece, and the group’s forecasted budget for 2009.
Since our inauguration, we have taken upon many initiatives and we are matching our goals, which have been impressive. We have created an amazing website which includes a social network platform. In today’s climate, we felt that it was extremely important to integrate a social network within our website. Now our members are able to log on to our website and communicate effectively with the ability to blog, upload photos and video, message each other, post resumes and more. Our website is www.saeusayouth.com. In cooperation with the Hermes Expo International Trade Show, we hosted the SAE Youth Career Fair at the Tropicana Hotel in Atlantic City. The Career Fair was open to college students and young professionals interested in exploring career opportunities, industry trends, and upcoming workforce needs within various companies participating in the Expo.
Under the Auspices of the World Council of Hellenes Abroad SAE U.S.A. Youth Network, AGDC will host a nation wide Greek Dance Competition and culture weekend. Hellenic American Youth will be able to showcase their talents while learning the traditional customs & culture of Greece. The event will take place in Chicago October 9-12 2009, for more info please contact agdcinfo@att.net. Our mission statement is to promote Hellenism through a network in which young American Hellenes and Hellenic American organizations can encourage the preservation of our heritage in the Diaspora by educating, communicating and collaborating with each other, in order to strengthen ties within the U.S. and with Hellas. I feel we are on the right track.” For more information on the SAE USA Youth Network please visit the website at www.saeusayouth.com or email communications@saeusayouth.com.
Light and Color from Greece
Santorini is an isle located in the southern Aegean Sea. About 3,500 years ago, a rare volcanic eruption changed the topography of the round shaped island into a crescent destroying the former and at the same time laying the foundation for the new.
Nature as pure artist frees energy from the bowels of the earth and spreads a veil of Greek light that caresses, embraces, and invigorates the soul of man. As her true child and in complete harmony with her, Man with the same urging energy frees from within him hidden forces full of memories and multi-coloured dreams. Inspired, he endeavors, with his own pallet to create works of art equal in value and beauty with hers. “Santorini: Light and Color from Greece,” is a collection of 18 photographs by Nikos Rigopoulos, presented through April 30th Jadite Gallery (413 West 50th St. New York City).
“Every morning when I open my eyes a miracle appears. The seen and the unseen mix, co-operate, and create. The air, the earth, and the sea receive the light, are formed and reformed by the color, and always like a surprise they reveal the vision,” says Rigopoulos. “I respond to this view, embracing my troubled waters, allowing this first code of recognition to reveal the miracle.”
Callisti, Strogili, Thira, Santorini