FOS’ spectacular
Open House party

Approximately 300 individuals enjoyed the lavish Open House party that FOS (Forum on Orthodox Spirituality) group threw recently at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Manhattan. The party served to introduce those interested in the spirituality offered by this newest Cathedral ministry.

WThe attendees danced away to live Greek music by singing sensation and FOS participant Vangelis Alkimos. The Cathedral Ballroom was transformed into a palace by George Andreakos, musician, artist and founder of International Sounds, who combines music with his eclectic design of decor lighting, furniture and live art provided by him. Vangelis and FOS participant Leonidas Haxhitasi, a classical pianist, mesmerized the audience with the debut of their ballad Poso S’agapo.

The party was no small feat. It involved the teamwork of approximately 30 FOS volunteers as well as the Cathedral’s administrative staff. Businesses including restaurants, media organizations, photographers, web designers as well as the above-mentioned musicians, all numbering 17, helped make this party spectacular. Kellari, Thalassa, Avra, Kefi, Mythos, Plaka, Athens Café and Fantis Foods provided their delicacies. In addition, ANTENNA TV, AKTINA FM, COSMOS FM as well as NEO Magazine advertised the event. The photographers, 3 Button Photo and Margarita and Parascevi Giavis, and Media Punch website designers are also FOS participants.

In appreciation for their gracious and generous support, FOS acknowledged all of its above donors verbally and by a poster of their logos that was displayed at the entrance. NEO was also thanked for previous support through a feature on FOS in a prior issue when the ministry was still growing.

During the six-hour festivities, there was an inspiring presentation by Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos, Dean of the Cathedral and spiritual leader of FOS, and Dorothy Poli, FOS Director and Board of Trustees member, who also orchestrated the event. Two FOS participants, Maria Dubrowski and Chris Neamonitis, also spoke poignantly of the impact of FOS on their lives. Fr. Frank introduced the summer series topic, Soul Trek, which is a take on the new Star Trek movie. The series explores the stages of spiritual development, the purpose of our existence and calling for our lives. FOS uses contemporary themes to convey the spiritual message in the issues of everyday life. Both Fr. Frank and Dorothy emphasized two running themes in FOS: to be spiritual is to be joyous and the importance of integrating the spiritual within the life of the community.

FOS has been attracting approximately 120 individuals on Tuesday nights. The first of the Tuesday sessions for the summer series was held on June 16 and had 150 individuals in attendance. This number is sure to further grow after this magnificent introduction to the new summer series. More information on FOS can be found on or by calling (212) 288-3215.


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