George Maragos: Nassau County Comptroller-elect

George Maragos, a Republican, is the new Nassau County Comptroller after defeating multi-term incumbent Howard Weitzman, a Democrat, on November 3rd by a margin so slim that it kept both sides awake until the next day’s early morning hours.

The founder and president of SDS Financial Technologies, a financial and trading services company, Maragos promised to fight against tax increases and check the county’s deficit and spending. He also said that the county is currently in a very difficult financial condition because of the failure of the current Democratic administration and comptroller to adequately anticipate and plan for the recession.

"Their failure to fix the tax assessment system, which is unfair and costing the county over $80 million annually, has compounded the fiscal mess," he pointed out, adding he would fix the system and implement better budget planning and strong oversight of spending to ensure that tax dollars are well spent.

Maragos, 60, of Russell Gardens, also had the Conservative Party line.

Before founding his own company, he served as vice president at two of the nation's largest banks. He was born and raised on the island of Lefkas, Greece, and after finishing high school he went to Canada as a student, obtaining a bachelor's degree from McGill University in Montreal. He moved to the US and did his master's at New York’s Pace University. He and his family have lived in Great Neck for 21 years.

On January 1st, he will be the first comptroller of Greek origin for Nassau, New York’s second richest county.

A few days after his breathtaking victory, an exuberant George Maragos and his wife Angela, were the honoured guests at an impromptu dinner at Bayside’s “Mythos” Restaurant, hosted by his Lefkadian compatriots and friends with origins from other areas of Greece as well. Ready to assume his new position, Maragos encouraged other young people to seek elected positions because “in elections nothing is impossible.” He then recalled that when he announced his candidacy, nobody would give him a chance of winning. However, “I worked very hard and expected a good outcome,” he said. “I look forward to the opportunity of serving the community.”


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