John Aniston hosted the evening, with additional comments by Stratton Leopold. The filmmakers spoke about their experiences in making the documentary.
Thereafter, everyone watched and thoroughly enjoyed "The Promise of Tomorrow," part 2 of the organization's documentary trilogy, which continued the story of the Greek immigrant experience in Southern California. "The Promise of Tomorrow" chronicled the World War II years and the 1950s, and highlighted the first generation Greek Americans and the changing face of our community – Greek at home and American outside. Everyone witnessed how first generation Greek-Americans were determined to get an education and make a good life for themselves and their families. In a very short period of time, they have become prominent leaders in the arts, business, technology, academia, science and government – virtually all levels of contemporary American society.
In addition, the question of identity was brought up more than once, with such comments as "We are not just Greeks; we are not just Americans, but we are a new breed – Greek Americans!"
Collaborators in the project were writer and director Anna Giannotis, executive producers Zoye Fidler, Shelly Papadopoulos and John Gregory, Producers, Antonia Lianos, Gus Dalis and Harry Ratner, editor Rich Uber and composer Bob Luna, along with many hard-working volunteers and contributors.
To order DVD copies of "The Promise of Tomorrow, contact the Greek Heritage Society at Their website is