Cyprus Federation Annual Gala

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The Cyprus Federation of America honored two outstanding individuals, Dr. Panagiotis Manolas with the "Philanthropic/ Humanitarian Award" and Mr. George James Tsunis with the "Justice for Cyprus Award" on Friday, September 24th, at the annual gala.

The President of the Republic of Cyprus Dimitris Christofias who was in New York for the UN General Assembly, presented the awards and praised both individuals for their remarkable achievements and commitment to the Cyprus cause.

A crowd of over 380 people filled the Terrace on the Park roof top hall to the extent that its staff was at a loss for the biggest part of the event! Metropolitan Bishop Evangelos of New Jersey represented Archbishop Demetrios and offered the Benediction. Among the multitude of dignitaries, we spotted Marcos Kyprianou, Foreign Minister of Cyprus, Dimitris Droutsas, Foreign Minister of Greece, Deputy Foreign Minister of Greece Dimitrios Dollis, Consul General of Greece and Cyprus, Aghe Balta and Koula Sofianou respectively, US Congressmen Michael McMahon, Steve Israel and John Sarbanes, President of PSEKA Philip Christopher and President of Hellenic Medical Society of New York George Tsioulias. Cyprus Federation President Peter Papanicolaou welcomed the guests before passing the baton to Alexis Christophoros of Market Watch who MCed the event.


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