Following the very successful series “New Generation of Leaders” that featured members of the Leadership 100 Partners Program, Neo Magazine and the Hellenic Medical Society of New York have come together to present a monthly profile of “New Generation of Doctors.”

The Hellenic Medical Society of New York (HMS) has its origins in the Greek-American Medical Fraternity, an entity co-founded by the renowned physician George N. Papanicolaou during the First World War. This organization officially registered with the New York State authorities in 1920.

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Name: Nicholas C. Kaloudis, M.D. F.A.C.E.
Position: Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism

Where were you born and where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in New York.

Who or what were the main influences in your life?

Starting from my immediate family who provided me with a loving, caring, and spiritual upbringing. Growing up and learning about our true faith, especially the lives and examples set by our 20 Holy Unmercenary Doctors were very important. These Saints Anargyroi, who were the physicians and healers of the Orthodox Church, definitely paved the road within my heart, to learn to be of service to people.

Why did you become a doctor?

I am very sensitive towards the pain and suffering of our fellow humans. Helping others was innate even as a child. The internal gratification achieved when helping and giving myself to my patients is truly priceless. There is nothing else that fulfills my soul more than being of service and dedicating my life towards treating others. There is also a strong familial genetic predisposition for the medical field. I have many cousins here in the U.S. and in Greece, currently practicing medicine. Even when tracing back through my family tree, physicians were present as early as five generations ago.

As a new generation doctor, how do you evaluate the state of health care in the US?

It is truly unfortunate, the way that this country had once set the example, and was looked highly upon, regarding medical care, is now upon the verge of forming a system where the quality of medical care offered to patients will be limited and “factory-like”. It is a shame that there are hidden agendas that the U.S government wants to accomplish in the face of these new health plans. They are working closely with the monstrous HMO’s, looking to shape the medical field in a way that will benefit them, and only them. The victims will be surely the patients first, and doctors to follow.

If you were a patient, what would the ideal doctor look to you like?

The ideal doctor is simply one who believes that being a physician is a gift given to you from God and thus is a service you provide for your patient. Being a doctor should not be regarded as a “job”, but as a blessing.

Has your Hellenic heritage influenced your professional conduct and in what ways?

Life is one; body and soul, mind and heart constitute the totality of life. The Hellenic civilization, music, philosophy, art, language, dance and literature has always been infused and informed by religious thought and belief; which was spiritual growth. The term “Greek” is inseparably interwoven with Orthodoxy. The two are one. Greek education, as the embodiment and crucible of Greek civilization, is holistic, an all encompassing principle that expresses the totality of our Hellenic heritage. Our paradosis (heritage) is what preserves the unity of our people and secures our identity. When a people forget their heritage, they lose their memory and disappear from history. Today’s Greeks are the latest link in a long strong chain. Thus, being a Greek of Orthodox faith has influenced my conduct as a person, to lead by examples of: love, empathy, sensitivity, education, and moral character.

As a successful American you could and perhaps have joined major organizations that are focused more on mainstream society. Why HMS?

This Greek-American medical fraternity leads through actions and great works. Medical conferences and symposiums, scholarships for medical students of Greek descent, medical supplies, books, equipment, journals, and clothing, have been sent to Greece, Serbia, Georgia and Albania, a medical student exchange program between the U.S. and Greece, dinner lecture events and gala affairs as well. But the main goal of this organization is to continue our Greek ideals of education, pride, and honor. HMS has unified Greek American physicians from the NY metropolitan area. Strength comes from unity.

What qualities do you most admire or value in others?

Humbleness, faith, hope, forgiveness and patience. Also what is known as the best quality of all, Love.

Where would you like to be in your professional and personal life 20 years from now?

God willing, I will still be of service to my patients, offering medical care and empathy towards their health problems, regardless of the poor state of health care that this country will probably be in. Personally, I would love to have my other half and children surrounding me and giving them what I was given by my wonderful and caring parents and sister.

What is your idea of happiness?

Happiness is inward. It is a heart attitude. Therefore, it starts inside and goes outside. True happiness comes from seeking as close a relationship with your fellow human as possible. Therefore as we see our brother, we see God. So, happiness for me is based on God and not on circumstance or selfish desires and acquisitions. True happiness, true joy, is simply God’s love and God’s gifts.

The Hellenic Medical Society of New York (HMS) has its origins in the Greek-American Medical Fraternity, an entity co-founded by the renowned physician George N. Papanicolaou during the First World War. This organization officially registered with the New York State authorities in 1920.

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