Former State Senator Leonidas P. Raptakis and former State Representative Myrna C.George hosted a celebration of Greek Independence Day at the Rhode Island State House, bringing together state leaders and members of the Hellenic community to recognize the 190th anniversary of Greece’s independence. This is the nineteenth consecutive such celebration of the event, which featured newly appointed Greek Consul General Ilias Fotopoulos.
Rhode Island’s new Governor Lincoln Chafee took part in his first ceremony, and welcomed the many guests who came to the State House to enjoy an event featuring Greek poems celebrating Hellenic history and the nation’s commitment to democracy and freedom.
“This event is a wonderful expression of our strong Greek community in Rhode Island and the strong connection between this state known for its commitment to independence and the nation which was the birthplace of democracy,” said Raptakis. George added, “We are grateful to the Governor, the Senate President and House Speaker Gordon Fox who have once again come together in the State House for this special celebration.”

Both the House and Senate passed resolutions commemorating the Feast day of the Annunciation, the 190th Anniversary of Greece’s independence and highlighting the continuing bonds between both the United States and Greece. The resolutions also stressed the refusal of the government of Turkey to recognize the rights and religious freedoms of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
The President of the Federation Hellenic Societies of New England, Eleni Vedallis and the Supreme Vice President of AHEPA, Dr. John Grossomanides, gave remarks in the Governors State Room and also at the reception that followed at the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Pawtucket. Also attending the reception at the Assumption Church was Rhode Island’s newly elected Attorney General Peter Kilmartin who praised the accomplishments of Rhode Island’s Greek American community.