Poetry under the Stars in Astoria

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Recently, Astoria’s vibrant Greek-American community honored its poetic heritage with a special visit by the POEMobile; It was to celebrate the 100th anniversary year of the birth of Greece's Nobel Laureate, Odysseas Elytis.

The event titled “SING IN ME, O MUSE!” Was sponsored by the Bowery Arts + Science, City Lore, and the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York. Billy Chrissochos, George and Terry Delis and Athanasios Aronis of the Federation’s Cultural Committee, helped make the event, that took place at the open space, by the federation’s main entrance, a truly one of a kind experience.

The night featured poetry performances in Greek and English by Dean Kostos, Penelope Karageorge, Nicholas Samaras, and Sylvia Mouzourou; music by the Greek Folk Ensemble; dance by the Greek-American Folklore Society and projections of the poems of Sappho, Cavafy, Ritsos, Elytis and other local poets.

For more info on City Lore and its events please visit http://www.citylore.org.

For the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater NY visit www.Hellenicsocieties.org.


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