Brooklyn AHEPA Chapter 41 Helps Sandy's Victims

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Brooklyn AHEPA mobilized their members on to help victims of the devastating storm that pounded the Northeast Coast. Two large contingencies mobilized at the Bravo Headquarters in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. One group went to the Far Rockaways and the other group went to Staten Island’s south shore, bringing the much needed supplies and manpower.

National President, Dr. John Grossomanides, in an alert last week to the Entire AHEPA Organization nationwide, called for all Districts and Chapters to respond by providing support and assistance to the local chapters who are on the ground in the Northeast and who can mobilize in a grassroots effort to give direct assistance to those in need.

In an EMPIRE DISTRICT SIX CALL TO ACTION UPDATE – it was reported by AHEPA’s District 6 that Brooklyn 41 was staged at the 2 locations - Staten Island Mill Rd and the Far Rockaways - and that all the heavy supplies - gloves, masks, shovels rakes, sledge hammers, garbage bags. - were exhausted within an hour. Chapter President Ted Pavlounis, who was on site in Staten Island, stated: "We should focus our efforts on buying the heavy supplies needed and getting them down at these areas as this is what is needed now. Brothers have had a positive impact but we need to continue to help in any way possible. We are pleased with the overwhelming support shown by our local brothers and National Head Quarters, but more donations are needed.”

According to Empire District 6 Secretary Peter Vasilakos, “the real costs are going to be realized in the days to come when people have to bring in the heavy construction materials and manpower to rebuild and make their homes livable. It is very important that we use our limited resources in an efficient manner and not inundate these people with items that they really don’t want or need.”

The Ahepa 41 Executive Board called an emergency Chapter meeting in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, in order to discuss logistics as well as allocation of resources and man power as the relief effort continues.

As part of the relief effort, AHEPA National Headquarters, Empire State District 6, Local Chapters, and other groups and individuals are sending supplies, care packages, and donations to: Ahepa Chapter 41, c/o Sts. Constantine and Helen Cathedral, 64 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Please make a commitment and help in this worthy cause by sending in your contribution in as well.

Founded in 1922, AHEPA is the largest and oldest American-based, Greek heritage grassroots membership organization. It was established by visionary Americans of Hellenic decent to fight and protect all from prejudice from individuals and groups such as the KKK. In its history, AHEPA has joined with the NAACP and B’nai B’rith International to fight discrimination. It works to promote Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, Family and Individual Excellence. It is also the largest provider of federally-funded housing for low-income senior citizens through HUD. Its mission is to promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of philanthropy, education, civic responsibility, family and individual responsibility and excellence through community service and volunteerism.

For more information, AHEPA’s 41 Brooklyn Chapter phone number is 718-238-2400 and their email


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