Commemoration of Greek-Pontic Genocide in New York

Pontian Greek Soldiers
Under the auspices of the Consulate General of Greece in New York, The Pan-Pontian Federation of USA & Canada with the local Pontian Societies “Komninoi” of New York and “Pontos” of Norwalk Connecticut, and the Holy Institution of Panagia Soumela will commemorate the Greek-Pontian Genocide by the Turks on Friday May 17th, 6:00 pm, at the Greek Press and Communication Office (305 East 47th Street, 2nd Floor, New York City).
Each year the descendants of the Pontian-Greeks along with all Hellenes and Phil-Hellenes across the United States and Canada commemorate and honor the victims of the Pontian-Greek Genocide that took place in the Black Sea area at the hands of the Ottomans, New Turks and Kemalists from 1914-1924.
This year’s event will feature three speakers: Nikos Michailidis, PhD Candidate in Anthropology at Princeton University will present a historical overview of Pontos from the ancient years until today. Thea Halo, author on the Greek and Assyrian Genocide will speak regarding “The role of memoir in the healing process”. Dr. Robert Shenk, Professor of English in New Orleans University, Captain, US Naval Reserve Navy (Retired) and author of the book “America’s Black Sea Fleet: The U.S. Navy Amidst War and Revolution, 1919-1923”, will speak on the topic “The United States Navy & Pontus 1919-1923”.
Short musical / theatrical performances will be presented between the speeches under the direction of Vasiliki Tsanaktsidou. Youth members of the local societies “Komninoi” and “Pontos” will participate in these performances.
A reception will follow with traditional Pontian Cuisine prepared exclusively by the Women’s Associations.