Dimitris Mpasis on Tour in the US
The lyrics from “TA XAMOPOULIA“, one of Dimitris Mpasis’ songs , say “Small are the dreams of this earth, large are the burdens.” For the child of Greek immigrants born in Stuttgart, Germany, who managed in his endeavor to become one of the most significant voices of this generation…. this is a confirmation of the “magnificence of the soul”.
Dimitris Mpasis meets his homeland, Greece, for the first time at the age of 8 when his family returns to their village of origin, Cherso, Kilkis, Macedonia. Almost immediately he starts singing at the village Church and by the age of 12 he begins his formal education in Byzantine Music from which he graduated when he was 17. During these formative years Mpasis performed at local cultural events. “My beginnings were rooted in Byzantine Music from which I acquired the great ‘tools’ and knowledge that were essential for me and my secret childhood dream of becoming a professional vocalist. God has blessed me with that realization.”
Then in 1992, “I was ‘discovered’ by composer Stamatis Kraounakis in Thessaloniki. That gave me the opportunity for an immediate collaboration with Alkistis Protopsalti and Lina Nikolakopoulou which lasted for three years. It was the best possible beginning for a young man with dreams of a musical career, to participate in the great creativity of that musical team,” he recalls.
Two years later, Mpasis found himself in the United States with Alkistis Protopsalti as a member of the musical entourage performing in the cultural events honoring Greece’s National Soccer Team and it’s participation in the World Cup Soccer tournament of 1994.
Today, 19 years later, Mpasis is about to cross the Atlantic once more for a very special partnership with local entertainment promoter Aphrodite Daniel and the SYN-PHONIA BAND in a five concerts tour planned for New York, Cleveland, Boston, Baltimore and Connecticut.
“I’ve heard wonderful things about the SYN-PHONIA BAND from my friend Manolis Mitsias,” he explains. “He just completed a series on concerts with them last Spring. I only recently met Aphrodite Daniel, the producer, who immediately inspired my trust and my commitment towards a productive and successful collaboration. She knows the market and how to execute a successful and dignified production.”
In his 20 year career, Dimitris Mpasis has worked with the “giants” of Greek Composers and Vocalists with whom he boasts an impressive list of recordings. Theodorakis, Mikroutsikos, Xarhakos, Nikolopoulos, Mitropanos, Terzis, Alexiou, Galani, just to name a few.
At the upcoming concerts in the States, Dimitris Mpasis will perform a selection of his own hits, including “PSITHIROI KARDIAS”, “TA XAMOPOULIA”, “H ZOH” as well as a special tribute to three legends of Greek music who have passed. “I wish during my concerts to especially remark upon the three voices that have mostly influenced and left a mark on my ‘musical journey’. Recently we lost an extraordinary performer, Dimitris Mitropanos, who was also a very dear friend for the past 10 years. During all my performances, I include a special tribute to him as an expression of my respect and gratitude. I will also include a tribute to the greatness of Stelios Kazantzidis and Grigoris Mpithikotsis. People love and remember their songs because thay embody the historic journey of Greek music. You can just imagine the wonderful repertoire I hope we can all sing together.”
According to Mpasis, “music is a way of life for a Greek. We have a musical tradition in our society. With the music of Mikis Theodorakis the Greeks took to the streets in search of ‘bread, education and freedom’. It is through our music that we forget and protest. It is an essential element of our daily lives that we use to express all feelings.”