Entering the double digits…

Demetrios Rhompotis
We are 10! We’ve come to the double digits stage and oh boy, we look good, don’t we? This special celebratory issue is packed with your wishes, your love and care and we thank you very much! We thank you for the support which for so long has been pouring generously and with no strings attached! Just how help should be, without any “special interests” in mind. We are also welcoming the newcomers and we wish them bon voyage with us, because Ithaka is still faraway and we are going there by …boat!
Dropping the imperial “we”, allow me to also thank those who along with us work every month to make NEO possible. Our Artist in Chief, designer Adrian Salescu who extracts beauty from the remotest possibilities and applies it in abundance. Our Photographer in Chief Fotis Papagermanos who is all over the place, all the time. Our Columnists, Alex, the Great, Billinis, Endy Zemenides the strategist, and Nick Kaloudis, our good Doctor. The contributing writers, among them Georgia Vavas, Margarita Vartholomeou, Eleni Kostopoulos and Cindy Klimek who can produce great stories in no time. And last but not least, our Marketing Master Tom Harmantzis who has took it upon himself to make this publication and all of us rich (not yet unfortunately)!
Thanks again boys & girls, and up we go running for another 10!