Healthy Breasts for Girls and Boys! Happiness is a warm gun (2015), by Amos Poe
by Stelios Sofianos
The Union: a legendary outcast director. One of the best songs of the Beatles. A respectful tribute to Paul McCartney .A young Greek actress, fashion model and musician. Our health. The New York City subway was the place of their meeting. October is the month and public awareness around the issue of breast health was the cause and the purpose of this meeting. Which we relive now with them, thanks to this a five minute film they produced.
The father of “no wave” cinema Amos Poe chose his muse, Anna Rezan Kritseli, and clothed her with his hat and shirt under the supervision of Turkish filmmaker and his student, Ali Ozan Akin, and made her move in a wagon whispering the lyrics of “happiness is a warm gun” as we listen to the synthesis of John Lennon, the celebrator of freedom in one of the best recordings of the legendary “Beatles”. Paul McCartney lost from his mother and his first wife Linda to breast cancer.
The movements, the touches, the alluring and then vacant sight of the androgynous Anna is here to deliver the message: Take care of your health. Take care of your breasts. All of you. Women or men can become targets. We don’t want this to happen and you have to love your body to not become a target.
In the heart of this American city, wherein all genders, ages and races co-exist, the multi talented Greek Anna (an actress, model, singer, philanthropist and activist, member of the MAA and founder of “Love Brings Love” community), demonstrates for the first time a piece of her body naked, a bare breast to grab our attention and spread around the message of health, freedom, faith and love. Her body is saying, “Take care of yourself, care for those around you and remember that rock ‘n roll wants you to be healthy, free and happy.”
Describing the video, Asteris Kutulas, multi awarded author, music producer, filmmaker and activist who recently founded the Greek Film Festival of Berlin, states that “Sometimes more, sometimes fewer passengers occupy the carriage. The director is not in sight. He is the eye. He holds the camera that shapes our view. The actress toys with this eye. She is beautiful; a disturbing vision, behaving disturbingly. She has the ticket. She is the ticket. She is our androgynous lover, our untapped love, our lost voice. She twists and turns. She captures the camera with life. A life unreliable, a life kept in place just by the camera. The filmmaker and the actress play for Eros, for interior and exterior, for being part and being past, for becoming.”
October is the month of awareness about breast cancer. You need to know about it today and take care of your body every day. Join now here!