The Cathedral School Celebrates Glendi

Veronica Blau, Maria Spentzouri, Roula Lambrakis , Athanasia Filios, Lilly Gerontis – Pritchard, Ted Kusulas – principal , Elli Tsakou, Panagiota Lilikaki, Debbie Tsafos and Fr. John Vlahos
Over 130 parents, alumni, faculty and friends gathered for the annual Glendi event at The Cathedral School in New York. Guests enjoyed an elegant evening of dinner, dancing, along with live music and an auction of children’s artwork. This year’s event honored two distinguished guests, The Stavros Niarchos Foundation for their support of The Cathedral School and to education globally and Ms. Athanasia Filios, for her 21 years of commitment to teaching at The Cathedral School.

Lilly Gerontis-Pritchard, Anthousa Iliopoulos, Roula Lambrakis, Deana Thomas
It was the Parents’ Association privilege to honor The Stavros Niarchos. In 2010, the Foundation provided a generous grant to TCS that enabled the school to open a new wing to its facility. This wing houses the school’s art center and the Greek and English libraries and is used as a learning space to enlighten and inspire Cathedral’s youngest learners.

Roula Lambrakis, Veronica Blau, Lilly Gerontis-Pritchard
Ms. Athanasia Filios, a devoted teacher at The Cathedral School and the Greek Afternoon School, was honored for her exceptional work with students for the past two decades. Her tenure is a tribute to her enduring commitment to the children of the school. Through songs, stories, and productions students learn not only how to speak and write in Greek but also learn the history and culture of Greece. Her dedication is an inspiration to all.

Roula Lambrakis, Lilly Gerontis- Pritchard, Dr. Korina Gerontis – Stratakis
Both honorees were presented gifts by alumna Veronica Blau who started at Cathedral at the young age of two and graduated in 2013. Veronica currently attends Trinity and her accomplishments, both in and out of school embody the many qualities that represent what it means to be a student at The Cathedral School.

Olivier Muller, Mr. & Mrs. Durcan
It was truly a remarkable evening made possible by the dedicated efforts of many. Special thanks go to Glendi Co-Chairs Roula Lambrakis and Lilly Gerontis, and the many PA volunteers who helped by contributing in such a generous manner to support this successful event! Also, to Diane Chudley and Janine Stavri for their design expertise and assistance with the amazing children’s artwork. And of course a world of thanks to our guests and supporters!

Dr. Kostis Sofokleous, Bill and Alexia Mihas
Through generous donations made by parents, alumni, faculty and friends the Parent’s Association raised over $25,000 at the event. Most importantly everyone enjoyed an inspirational evening that celebrated excellence in education.

Roula Lambrakis, Argero Siklas from Niarchos Foundation, Lilly Gerontis-Pritchard

Olga Karloutsos- Palladino , Roula Lambrakis, Deana Thomas, Dr. Stella Lymberis

Fr. John Vlahos, Veronica Blau, Lilly Gerontis – Prichard, Athanasia Filios, Argero Siklas, Roula Lambrakis and Ted Kusulas