Christos Anesti!

Demetrios Rhompotis
It’s true, this issue came out after the Sunday of Pascha but not after Pascha as some thought and pointed out in phone calls and emails. In the Greek Orthodox tradition Pascha lasts 40 days after the Resurection night and people still say each other Christos Anesti. So, we are on time with our Paschal issue, in fact we are kind of early if we take the tradition seriously. I don’t wanna hear any complains about it, besides it’s better to be late and noticed than early and lost in the pile of the wishing material that accompanies the holiday.
We have put together another beautiful publication with all kinds of stories and reports and of course your Paschal wishes that have formed another tradition for the 12 years we’ve been publishing. Big and many thanks to all of you who showed up this year as well, to support this publication that has no hidden backers and plays nobody’s games in the community. And many and beautiful wishes to those who couldn’t make it this time. We understand and we always appreciate your good will and help that goes beyond any monetary value.
Christos Anesti to all! Happiness and health to your lives, strength and sensitivity to drive us through the turbulent times our world is finding itself in once more. Let us all look for our place in this community of ours and draw strength from each other’s weaknesses in order to reaffirm our humanity. And let our fragility as humans be our defining strength in facing the brutality of political correctness and institutional sensitivity that threatens to convert otherwise normal people into extraordinary domesticated savages. As we crack our Paschal eggs we are also cracking the wall of stupidity that surrounds us, letting the sun come in to enlighten and warm…