Cyprus US Chamber of Commerce on COVID-19
Dear Members,

Maria Pappas
On behalf of the Board of the Cyprus US Chamber of Commerce, we hope this communication finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. COVID-19 has changed our daily lives particularly with respect to travel restrictions, social distancing and general economic conditions.
The unprecedented measures to “flatten the curve” of new cases of COVID-19 infections have caused face to face commerce to come to a nearly complete halt. In the interim, many of our Cypriot and Greek small business are experiencing severe economic hardships.
The Chamber will do what we can to keep the community informed and offer our support to the local business community during this challenging period. We have added information to the Chamber’s website regarding assistance from the City, State and Federal Government.
We will be listing Greek & Cypriot restaurants that may be offering Delivery & Take out options.
Please visit our website for informative links for the latest updates by Federal and State governments are as follows:
We welcome your suggestions and comments.
This too shall pass. Stay Safe!!!
Warmest Regards,
Maria Pappas
Cyprus-U.S. Chamber of Commerce