Manage Your Life with Karmascore
If only I had a dime for every time I said I wouldn’t go back to that person, talk to that person, or deal with that person ever again, I’m not sure I’d be a rich woman, but certainly a smarter one. No matter how many times you say you won’t, you’re destined to do it again, especially when it comes to unhealthy behaviors where you may not recognize a pattern. Wouldn’t it help to have that little angel on your back to remind you of your demon? Here is where Karmascore fits in, and right into your back pocket. Paula Panagouleas Miller, founder and CEO of the digital app Karamascore, brings you your own personal guide, journal, calendar, and reminder all in one where you are in control. It’s your mental filing cabinet, alter ego, second opinion, and intuition all in one.

Paula Panagouleas Miller, founder and CEO of the digital app Karamascore
This is especially helpful for social butterflies, busy people, working people, networking people, and anyone who comes in contact with people continuously. If you make friends easily and connect with people easily, whether socially or professionally, you are also vulnerable to toxic people. You won’t spot them right away. They often come disguised as wolves in sheep’s clothing, until they reveal a loose thread that slowly unravels their true self, so you might want to keep notes on them. You may need them for something in the future, but maybe not for a relationship or a friendship. Maybe they will be useful in your next business venture, but you don’t want to be too friendly with them. Business is business. Friendship is friendship. Often the two don’t mix. You may need a reminder as to why you chose not to work with this person nor get too friendly with this person, or both. What if they come back into your life after you forgot about them? Will you remember what made you dismiss them in the first place? Or maybe you need to remember why you should have kept in touch with them.
Karmascore is a metric system of tracking your memories, your relationships, and your habits. Maybe you are the one constantly footing the bill. Does a specific person reciprocate? You’ll want to keep track of how many times you paid the bill in case you need to take this freeloader to court. You have documented the evidence. Karmascore is a digital journal that helps you categorize by relationship contact and relationship type. You have the freedom to structure it in a way that best serves your needs. You can also add attachments to that contact, whether it’s a video, an image, or other file to help you connect that person to memory. You rate them based on Karmascore’s metric system. It lets you add a memory to that person so you don’t forget them. You can add them to your favorite category, or not. If you want to keep track of what you bought for your significant other and how much you’re spending, Karmascore can help you with that. Do you want to keep track of who likes what? Maybe your best friend is allergic to certain plants and flowers, so you might want to think twice and remember that before you send any birthday gifts that could put them in the hospital. Do you want to preserve a special memory? Karmascore will do that for you too. Maybe your daughter took her first steps and you videotaped or photographed it. You don’t want to lose that special memory. You can keep it filed in Karmascore, and you can link it up and share it to other social media apps like Facebook and Instagram.
However, not every memory is sharable. Some memories are for your eyes only. Some thoughts and some memories are private. Anything you don’t want to share can be put into Angels and Demons mode by clicking on the heart on the top left corner. With this feature, you get extra security using a password. It’s a vault of your deeply personal memories and thoughts.
Karmascore can also be especially useful for team dynamics in a work environment by giving you reminders and follow-ups on various social events, like birthdays, pizza lunches, or bowling night, that took place and helped build relationships with colleagues. Companies can use it to track employee performance. Medical professionals can use it to track patient history. The possibilities are endless.
Paula was inspired to create this app during an afternoon walk with her husband where she expressed her concern for a friend who was going through a divorce. She spent thousands of dollars on a man who turned out to be less than worthy of the investment. If only she could have recognized the pattern of behavior that drained her emotionally and financially by tracking it better. Paula, with the support of her husband Dr. Jason Miller, was encouraged to get to work and gather up a team of professionals to start working on a digital app that could help build healthier relationships by helping you keep track of behaviors and patterns that are negative and adversely affecting your well-being. Smart, successful people can often make make bad choices in personal relationships. Karmascore can help you recognize them through a metric system of valuation for relationships of all kinds, not just personal but also professional. But why stop there? You can also keep a file of people, memories, appointments, expenditures, thoughts, and a calendar all in one.
What if you want to forget someone completely and dismiss them as a bad memory or relationship? All you have to do is throw them into the app’s graveyard feature by documenting an incident and connecting that person to it, and yes, bury them there.
Karmascore operates like a second layer of intuition and a tool of empowerment, especially if you find yourself constantly going against your better judgment or instincts. The relationships we have in our lives, the choices we make, and the patterns we repeat can all be identified cohesively and clearly through Karmascore. Paula walked me through it, and it was fun exploring the different ways I could use this app. Once you get used to it, you’ll be reaching into your purse or back pocket for your angels and demons to help you create healthier relationships, keep track of your relationship goals, and give them the credit score they deserve. If Karma “is a bitch,” maybe you’re better off with fewer negative people and circumstances coming back into your life, and constantly. How about those friends who like to call you and complain all the time? As much you might hate to do this them, it may be to your karmic benefit to keep track of every complaint, rate the positivity score from a scale of 100 to -100, and file them under toxic. Karma is the destiny you create for yourself. By taking it into your own hands literally, all you have to do is press a few buttons that can help you not repeat the same negative pattern that comes back to bite you where you would rather it didn’t. Karma doesn’t have to get you back if you take control of your life and your destiny to be your own good Karma that has your back. With Karmascore you can keep track of the positives and rule out the negatives with your own personal karmic guide serving as a life management tool.
Paula believes in helping people live better, healthier lives. With that goal in mind her product provides a charitable incentive with a “twelve months of giving” program, partnering with various organizations to donate to their causes. Last month the focus was sports and teams. Her next partnership is with a woman’s shelter. When she’s not developing innovative relationship management products with a team of highly skilled colleagues, and procuring government contracts with it, Paula is a proud mother to her daughter Amelia who inspired her to author two children’s books.
Paula Panagouleas Miller received her BS in Business Administration from the University of Dayton with a double major in Finance and International Business, and holds a Masters of Business Administration from Tiffin where she graduated Summa Cum Laude. She took her studies further with a concentration in Sustainability and Environmental Management and graduated from Harvard with a Masters of Liberal Arts. She has several years of experience in global team management with various positions that she held in fortune 500 companies that include banking, Investment Firms, Corporate Treasury, and the Private Sector.