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In Memory of a Giant: IOCC Honors John G. Rangos Sr.

By on October 28, 2021

Mr. John G. Rangos Sr., well-known philanthropist and cofounder of International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), reposed in the Lord this past summer, just one week before his 92nd birthday. Those who knew him also know that Mr. Rangos spent a lifetime committed to Christ and to serving others. IOCC was honored to be one of his beloved causes from its very beginning, nearly three decades ago.

John G. Rangos Sr.

John G. Rangos Sr.

A deeply intelligent man, Mr. Rangos loved history, the arts, and medicine. Perhaps more importantly, he was devoted to his family, his country, and his faith. He lived his life sharing his treasures in order to serve people near and far through countless charities, foundations, and medical institutions.

Whenever there was a disaster, an emergency, or a particular need around the world, Mr. Rangos never hesitated to fund IOCC’s responses. Through his charitable foundation, over the years, Mr. Rangos gave over $3 million in monetary and in-kind support to IOCC’s global work. In the last month of his life, he worked relentlessly to help IOCC raise money for programming in Greece. From IOCC’s first airlift in 1992 and until his last breath, he lived the mission to serve people in need. He was a giant in so many ways, and always ready for action.

John G. Rangos Sr. was a pillar of IOCC, key to its establishment and growth. His energy and vision inspired and guided the organization’s leaders, driving its development over the years. IOCC mourns his loss but thanks God for all he gave during his extraordinary life.

May his memory be eternal!

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