OXI Day in …Italy!

Demetrios Rhompotis
Salute amici!
This year I will be in Italy in time for the OXI Day, which is nothing important there, they probably have no idea about the anniversary. And who in his right mind would like to remember such a pitiful page in their history. But I will be particularly proud nevertheless, being right there and knowing that little Greece kicked their ass a few decades ago! Applying fascist arrogance and a spectacular military might they only managed to advance …backwards! French resistance fighters on the border with Italy used to place signs in order to make fun of them, saying “Greeks please stop advancing, this is France”!

San Giorgio dei Greci Church and the Hellenic Museum in Venice
Anyway, that was then, now we are friends and Italy is a beautiful country with very attractive people, it’s an honor to be going there, albeit for a few days. But it doesn’t hurt to remind them who’s the boss in the area! The …US that is!
Unfortunately I don’t expect to find tsipouro to toast the occasion, but grappa will do the job equally well!