GoStats web counter Annual PSEKA Conference in DC to Commemorate the 50th Dark Anniversary of the Occupation and Division of Cyprus by Turkey – NEO Magazine

Annual PSEKA Conference in DC to Commemorate the 50th Dark Anniversary of the Occupation and Division of Cyprus by Turkey

By on May 10, 2024

Over 100 Greek-American and Cypriot-America leaders from across the country will be coming to Washington, DC June 11-13 for the 39th Annual PSEKA (International Coordinating Committee Justice for Cyprus) Cyprus Conference.

Conference participants will again be meeting with over 40 top-level officials who formulate US policy toward Cyprus, Turkey and Greece in the US Congress, the White House and State Department.

(L-R) PSEKA President Philip Christopher, Cyprus Ambassador Marios Lysiotis, Congressman Chris Pappas, Cyprus Government Spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis, Mike Manatos, AHEPA Board Chair Nick Karacostas

(L-R) PSEKA President Philip Christopher, Cyprus Ambassador Marios Lysiotis, Congressman Chris Pappas, Cyprus Government Spokesman Konstantinos Letymbiotis, Mike Manatos, AHEPA Board Chair Nick Karacostas

Meetings will begin on Tuesday, June 11 at 12 noon at the Willard InterContinental Hotel and end with a lunch on Thursday, June 14.

New highlights planed for this special year include:

  • A meeting at the White House complex
  • A candlelight vigil on the steps of the US Congress
  • An opening reception in the US Congress

To register for the conference, click here.
To secure one of our reduced-rate rooms:

  • at the Willard call 800.424.6835 and ask to secure a room under the PSEKA Conference block.
    • The ‘Cut-Off’ date is May 10th.
  • at the Marriott click here.
    • The ‘Cut-Off’ date is May 14th.
    • As in previous years, the conference will be hosted by the International Coordinating Committee — Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA) and will involve the participation of the Federation of Cypriot American Organizations (FCAO), the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), the American Hellenic Institute (AHI), the Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC), Hellenic American National Council (HANC), the Cyprus US Chamberof Commerce, and the Coordinated Effort of Hellenes (CEH).
Ranking Member James Risch joined by U.S. Ambassador to Greece George Tsunis and Tom Katsilometes of Idaho

Ranking Member James Risch joined by U.S. Ambassador to Greece George Tsunis and Tom Katsilometes of Idaho

The conference program is as follows:

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024
12:00 – 4:00pm        Briefings sessions [Willard Hotel]
6:30 – 8:00pm          Welcoming reception [US Congress]
8:00 pm                     Candlelight Vigil [US Capitol Steps]

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
8:30 – 11:30am         Breakfast and meetings with Members of Congress
1:00 – 3:00pm           Lunch and meetings with Senators
6:00pm                      Cocktails
7:00pm                      Conference Banquet [Willard Hotel]

Thursday, June 13, 2024
8:30am                      Breakfast [Willard Hotel]
10:00am                    Meetings at White House Complex
12:00pm                    Closing Lunch [Willard Hotel]

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NEO Magazine. Established 2005. NEO Magazine is published monthly in New York by Neocorp Media Inc.