Happy Easter! May the best egg win!

Demetrios Rhompotis
We made it to Easter! Best wishes for health and happiness to all! Special thanks to those who responded and flooded this issue too with their ads and Paschal messages. We are grateful to you for giving us the opportunity to continue. As you know by now, NEO is supported directly by the community, we don’t have silent sponsors or backstage supporters. We don’t play anybody’s games, we have no obligation to individuals and their agendas. You are our only agenda and we have managed this past 19 years to steer clear of divisions and altercations.
The community needs a magazine, a real one, not just online, that showcases our collective excellence and testifies to our, albeit modest grandeur. Because as Greeks in America we have done much and we can do much more, not just for us but for the country as a whole.
Many thanks again and we hope with your help to continue being of service for many years to come!