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Be citizens, not idiotes…

By on October 23, 2024
Demetrios Rhompotis

Demetrios Rhompotis

This issue marks NEO’s 19th year anniversary and we feel very proud, but more responsible at the same time. As you can see from the stories, starting with the cover story, it’s a bouquet of beautiful and interesting gems that showcase, collectively, Hellenism today. And that should make us feel even more proud. The historian of the future, going through NEO’s pages will be amazed that such a small–in physical numbers-people managed to be so great. Which brings us to OXI Day, the most important anniversary this month. On October 28, 1940, small but proud Greece united forces and offered the entire free world a glimpse of hope, after the blitzkrieg of Axis victories in Europe that had spread fear and hopelessness. Greece proved that even mightier militarily forces can be defeated and ridiculed when confronted with a people that considers its freedom more important than its life! That’s perhaps the biggest lesson that this national day teaches us today, no matter where we are. Freedom is essential for a real life: there can’t be life worth living without it or with restrictions on it. Let’s remember and cherish that.

Speaking of freedom, in a few weeks we have a major election in the US and once more we have the right and the obligation to vote. We at NEO have since the beginning refrained from endorsing candidates unless they are Greek-American and even those we consider carefully. This time is no different. We won’t tell you whom to vote for, but we urge you to vote. Democracy requires participation in order to be functional and that is something our ancestors in ancient Athens knew very well–and they would call those who didn’t bother with the affairs of the city “idiotes”: that’s where the word idiot comes from. Election Day should be something to look forward to, not to avoid: it’s a celebratory day if you think of it. At least our founding fathers thought so and they set the day for the presidential election right after Halloween…

Comrades and friends, don’t be idiotes, vote and also take an interest in our community affairs.

Our Church, though perhaps the most important, isn’t the only component in our collective existence. So don’t support only with your donations your local parish and the various Church organizations, but be active with others, such as AHEPA, HALC, AHI and many more, including NEO magazine! We need your support in order to continue serving you. Place an ad, make a donation, suggest stories, show NEO to others: there is always something that you can do at a moderate cost to you. And since we understand business, don’t see it as an expense, but as an investment in a publication that has proved its value to the community for 19 consecutive years!

About Demetrios Rhompotis

Demetrios Rhompotis is Publishing Committee Chairman at NEO Magazine. E-mail: dondemetrio@neomagazine.com. Phone: (718) 554-0308