When the throne is too big for the king…
Yes, dear comrades (the Russian term товарищ — comrade, preexisted Communism) maybe the time is approaching for me to step down. For some time now the crown has been too heavy to bear, maybe that’s why I’m constantly overweight despite my relentless diets! The question is who’s insane enough to succeed me? Our Archbishop – Editor in …Grief Dimitri Michalakis prefers to lead spiritually, he has no interest in wordly matters. So there goes my hope for a coup that would force me to abdicate! Who knows, time will tell and I remain hopeful. Maybe CIA or another foreign secret entity will think of something… For now I’m still in power, against my will, and on behalf of our Royal NEO House-magazine, I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a joyful NEO year, full of health and happiness because you can’t have one without the other, can you?
Special thanks to the multitude of friends and supporters, and the new ones of course, who made this issue remarkably special with ads and holiday messages. We are humbled and grateful, your help means a lot in symbolic and very practical ways. To maintain this project printed and with the quality you have been used to, it has become a very expensive undertaking. But we are not alone, we have you and together we shall overcome all obstacles! (Those who were asked and didn’t respond, my curse is that your latest Iphone model dies during a trip somewhere …lol)
Enjoy this beautiful issue, in moderation, never when driving or diving…