All posts tagged "featured"
Stepping into Sound with Oscar Nominated Mildred Iatrou Morgan
by Athena Efter La La Land, the Hollywood “It” movie that won five Oscars for best director, best cinematography, best actress, best original music score, and best production design, can also add a Greek-American woman to its...
- Posted April 23, 2017
FAITH Scholarship for Academic Excellence Application
“FAITH: An Endowment for Orthodoxy and Hellenism” announced the 2017 FAITH Scholarship for Academic Excellence application period has opened. Each year, FAITH sponsors a series of merit-based scholarships for high school seniors entering college in the fall...
- Posted April 23, 2017
Short-sighted, corrupt or just plain stupid?
Have the Greek companies learned anything from the economic crisis of the recent years? What are their plans for the future and how do they function under the new devastating circumstances? The past ten years of working...
- Posted April 23, 2017
“Where Is the World?” Daphne Matziaraki’s 4.1 MILES: A Response to the Refugee Crisis
by Chris Salboudis Sitting in the cozy screening room of the New York Times building in the heart of Manhattan with scholars as well as film and media professionals, Nicholas Kristof, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning Human Rights columnist...
- Posted March 17, 2017
George Grapsas of Tylikratis Soccer Club: Sporting Philanthropy
by Athena Efter Greeks will always be united when it comes to two things: their love of Greece and their love of soccer. That united team spirit gives us our continued sense of pride and unwavering sense...
- Posted March 17, 2017
Priebus, Gigicos and Bilirakis Receive Medal of St. Paul
On the eve of the Presidential Inauguration, The Hellenic Initiative hosted 300 members of the Greek Diaspora for the presentation of the Medal of St. Paul, the highest honor the Greek Orthodox Arcdiocese of America bestows on...
- Posted March 17, 2017
United We Stand: Pancretan Youth Association Winter 2017 Conference
By Chris Salboudis The word ‘community’ is used to describe several contemporary sociological settings and situations. As a teacher and mentor of twenty years it has always been my goal to reinforce our philosophies and cultural traditions...
- Posted March 17, 2017
Hellenic Classical Charter School Sends Students to Greece for Educational Research Trip
On February 16, 2017, HCCS sent a team of five 6th grade students, three teachers and five parents to Greece for its annual National History Day Fair (NHDF) research trip. The purpose of this trip was to provide...
- Posted March 17, 2017
Says Entrepreneur, Philanthropist & Community Leader JOHN SAKELLARIS: “If you forget where you came from, you don’t know where you are going!”
by Athena Efter This past November, at the 32nd Annual Pan Gregorian Charity Ball, John Sakellaris, a restaurateur himself, a philanthropist, and community activist was honored for his philanthropic contributions to our community through his political activism...
- Posted December 30, 2016
Everything Ready for the Leadership 100 Annual Conference
The 26th Annual Leadership 100 Conference will convene at the Eau Palm Beach Resort & Spa in Manalapan, Florida from February 9-12, 2017. The program speakers will feature Dr. Anthony S. Papadimitriou, President of the Onassis Foundation,...
- Posted December 30, 2016
OXI Day in Washington: Honoring Veterans and Remembering Greece’s Historic Courage
On October 27, the Washington based OXI Day Foundation honored three distinguished World War II veterans – a Greek-American, a Greek, and an American – with the Greatest Generation Awards at a moving ceremony. This year, they...
- Posted December 30, 2016
A CHRISTMAS STORY: “Hey Greek, you got that old Chevy outside?”
by Dino Pavlou It was one night back in the mid-70s, around Christmas time, and as always Jimmy Weston’s supper club in New York City was crowded. Customers were enjoying the music of Tommy Furtado’s band and...
- Posted December 30, 2016
Michael Psaros Receives Homeric Award
Michael G. Psaros, a member of the Leadership 100 Board of Trustees and co-Founder and co-Managing Partner of KPS Capital Partners, LP, was honored with the 37th Homeric Award by the Chian Federation this past December, at...
- Posted December 30, 2016
Election 2016: The Greek-American Angle
by Endy Zemenides* As the 2016 Presidential campaign season kicked off, Greek-Americans active in politics dreamed of impacting this election the way it affected the one in 2008. During that open seat election: the community divided its...
- Posted October 27, 2016
Setting the Bar High with Legal Eagle Trailblazer Judge Helen Voutsinas
by Athena Efter As a Greek-American woman and contributing writer, it was very inspiring to be given the opportunity through NEO Magazine to interview the Honorable Helen Voutsinas, the only Greek-American woman to rise to the position...
- Posted October 27, 2016
George S. Tsandikos, New Vice President of the Archdiocesan Council
George S. Tsandikos is the new Vice President of the Archdiocesan Council of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America succeeding the late Michael Jaharis who served in this position for 16 years. During the fall meeting of...
- Posted October 27, 2016
Workshop brand handcrafted shoes made in Greece that have conquered the world
How three young people achieved success in the middle of a crisis after Workshop By Kelly Fanarioti The handcrafted shoes called The Workshop that have conquered Europe, America and Australia in only their third year on the...
- Posted October 27, 2016
The Asia Minor Catastrophe as Case Study in Management and Leadership
by Dora Vakirtzi* The Institute on Social Dynamics, an Athens based think tank, organized a conference on October 2nd at Estia Neas Smyrnis, titled “Asia Minor Catastrophe as Case Study in Management, Leadership, Crisis Management and HR”....
- Posted October 27, 2016
JOHN G. RANGOS, SR: CHANGING THE LANDSCAPE OF AMERICA – A kid from a steel town cleans up America and spreads his charity to all
John Rangos learned several things growing up during the Depression in a steel town like Weirton, West Virginia: he learned about the pluck of people like his mother Anna Rizakus who talked herself into a job at...
- Posted September 13, 2016
Greek Americans in DC Vow to Continue the Struggle for Hellenic Issues; Christopher: “Dictator” Erdogan would not allow a viable solution in Cyprus!”
by Athena Efter The 32nd annual Conference of the International Coordinating Committee – Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA) and the Coordinated Effort of Hellenes (CEH) – was held this past June in Washington, DC with the participation of...
- Posted September 13, 2016
Lesbos Today: Why You Should Go
By Andreana Andreyev Psarros My mother was born in a small village call Petra on the island of Lesbos. She moved to the US when she got married and since then my family has visited her village...
- Posted September 13, 2016
John Brademas: A lifetime of public and private service
John Brademas (1927-2016) In Memoriam A reprint of NEO’s cover story, May 2007 John Brademas is still in a hurry, even more so now. He just celebrated his 80th birthday, but as he leads the way through...
- Posted September 13, 2016
Vice President Biden Attends Blue Dream Gala Honoring Son Beau’s Legacy
The white tents evoking sailboats amid the deep blue sky and waters of the Mediterranean overflowed with love and family feeling during the 6th annual Blue Dream gala of the Greek Orthodox Church of the Hamptons Kimisis...
- Posted September 13, 2016
Dimitris Yeros: Shades of Love …in the Time of Cholera
by Athena Efter NEO had the privilege to interview this great artist/photographer, Dimitris Yeros, who has been defined as one of Greece’s most influential artists of his generation. In this interview, he shares his candid thoughts about...
- Posted June 27, 2016
Music, Community & Innovation: Celebrating Maestro Peter Tiboris
by Chris Salboudis Born in 1947 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Maestro Peter Tiboris says that music has always been a part of his life. His father was Psaltis at St. Spyridon, perhaps the oldest Greek Orthodox church in...
- Posted June 27, 2016