Captain Panagiotis Tsakos and Nicholas Tsakos named HABA's Executives of the Year
The Hellenic American Bankers Association will honor the father and son shipping team of Captain Panagiotis N. Tsakos and Mr. Nikolas P. Tsakos as HABA’s 2008 Executives of the Year on Thursday, March 20th, 2008 at the New York Athletic Club in New York City. Soterios Johnson, host of NPR's Morning Edition, WNYC Radio, will be the Master of Ceremonies. There will be a cocktail reception from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. followed by a dinner where Captain Tsakos and Mr. Tsakos will be honored.

Captain Panagiotis Tsakos was born on the island of Chios. He founded Tsakos Shipping and Trading in 1970. Today, the Tsakos Group of Companies has operations around the world, and includes the NYSE-listed Tsakos Energy Navigation, Ltd., headed by Captain Tsakos’ son Nikolas. Captain Tsakos has demonstrated his commitment “To Save the Seas” by being a founding member of the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA), which promotes “Safer Ships in Cleaner Seas.” Captain Tsakos is also an ardent supporter of Hellenism and Orthodoxy in the Americas, North and South.
Mr. Nikolas P. Tsakos has followed his father into the shipping industry. Mr. Tsakos has been President, Chief Executive Officer and a director of Tsakos Energy Navigation (TEN) since its inception. TEN is now an NYSE-listed public company, which operates a fleet of 43 vessels, with over 4.7 million dwt, and an average age of just 5.4 years. Reflecting the Tsakos family’s concern for the environment, 100% of TEN's fleet is of double hull design. Nikolas Tsakos is the former President of the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Agency (HELMEPA), a member of the council of the Independent Tanker Owners Association (INTERTANKO), a board member of the UK P&I Club, a board member of the Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS), a council member of the board of the Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee (GSCC) and a council member of the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Bureau Veritas (BV) and of the Greek Committee of Det Norske Veritas (DNV).

Since its inception, HABA has strived to serve the professional and educational interests of Greek-American financial professionals through the sponsoring of lectures, seminars, cocktail receptions with guest speakers and other events. Recently, a very successful outlook panel discussion on the US economy and the state of the Real Estate market was organized at the First American Title with acclaimed experts James Orphanides (First American Title,) Constantine Soras (Verizon,) and Peter Stavropoulos (Sailfish Capital) as guest speakers.
One of HABA's most popular events of the year, and a great way to see friends and make new contacts is the Vasilopita cutting, held this past January at the Olympic Tower Atrium Café. Very Reverend Eugene N. Pappas performed ceremony and partook the pie to the multitude of members and friends who again showed up this time to celebrate the beginning of another hopefully successful year.
The Hellenic American Bankers Association, Inc. (H.A.B.A.) is one of the premier Greek-American organizations in the New York metropolitan area. Its current active membership consists of over 200 professionals representing more than 50 institutions across the financial spectrum.
For further information on HABA and its activities people can call at 212-421-1057, or visit Online booking for the Executive of the Year Gala is also available.